Global Management

Global Management
Our service is designed above all for Hospitals and Local Health Authorities that intend to rapidly implement an efficient new diagnostic, interventional or outpatient activity.
With its Global Management contract, quickly and without any initial investments, Kardia is capable of:
- designing and building the structures and systems necessary for the new activity in accordance with specific needs and in compliance with the laws;
- installing all the necessary technologies, providing assistance with the related application, preventive maintenance and technical support;
- providing all the necessary medical devices, in a broad range and adequate stock according to the workloads;
- guaranteeing clinical refresher courses for the medical and paramedical staff of the department;
- integrating the activities, upon request, with medical and paramedical staff for operational support.
In 1998, Kardia was the first Italian company to stipulate this kind of contract with a public institution, the Sant’Annunziata hospital of Savigliano, for the construction of its new Interventional cardiology laboratory.
Designers qualified in the hospital sector elaborate the design of the building, systems and mechanical works, according to needs, available space and technology to be installed. The close collaboration of the designers with the qualified medical physicist guarantees compliance with all the radiation protection and workplace safety legislation.
Kardia offers the coordination, supervision and management of the activities of companies with consolidated experience in the construction of hospital wards that are capable of transforming the operating room defined in the design into reality in a very short time.

Kardia’s organization enables operators always to have an adequate stock of the wide range of their preferred medical products. Kardia’s staff is responsible for managing the product warehouse and the support activities.
ASL CN1 – Ospedale S.S. Annunziata di Savigliano (CN) – EP and Cath Lab – Dr Michele De Benedictis
ULSS4 Veneto Orientale – Ospedale di San Donà di Piave (VE) – Cath Lab – Dr Giovanni Turiano
ASST Crema – Ospedale Maggiore di Crema (CR) – Cath Lab – Dr Michele Cacucci
ASST Nord Milano – Ospedale Bassini (MI) – Cath Lab – Dr.ssa Simona Pierini
ASST Monza – Ospedale San Gerardo (MB) – Cath Lab – Dr Pietro Vandoni